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David Deubelbeiss: Using Gif Images as language learning objects

7. Mai 2016 @ 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Saturday, 7 May 2016

3:30pm GMT4:30pm UK, 12:30am Tokyo (Sun), 9pm New Delhi, 11:30am New York, 8:30am Los Angeles

David Deubelbeiss

Using Gif Images as language learning objects

Gifs are widely available on the internet and in the public domain. Students love the repetitive nature and their „fun“ aspect. Educators can harness the qualities that make gifs powerful „learning objects“ and use them to teach language in a fun, effective way. Find out the what, where, how in this presentation about gifs.

David Deubelbeiss: Professor, curriculum designer, teacher trainer, edupreneur. Director of Education for EnglishCentral. Shares ideas for using technology in education through his social networks for teachers, blog and websites.

David Deubelbeiss: Using Gif Images as language learning objects


7. Mai 2016
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Room Arthur Adobe Connect